I own a very, very nice 2000 Sonata with approximately 60,000 original
miles on it's DOHC V6. It is our second car, and it is definitely all
the car we need for a sunday & shopping driver...
The engine has suddenly developed a very bad miss (it is running on 5
cylinders, and appears to be spraying raw gas out of the exhaust
pipe), and although I am hoping for the best here, I am trying to
prepare for the worst.
If the motor has indeed jumped it's timing belt, and has ruined the
valves and/or piston(s), I am wondering if open heart surgery can be
performed, and the current motor replaced with a newer Sonata V6
(timing chain) unit, because if I am going to have to expend a lot of
money, I would prefer to not have to worry about this timing belt
problem anymore.
Thank you.