leaky elantra gt

Discussion in 'Hyundai Elantra / Lantra' started by Jamie, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. Jamie

    Jamie Guest

    So I have a 2003 Elantra GT hatchback and had the rubber seal replace around
    the hatch once because of water collecting where the spare is.... and it
    seemed like it was fine for a month or two and then there was water again,
    took it in and they said there was a weld that had failed and they repaired
    it... this was around 6 months or so ago. Little bit of snow on the ground
    this morning and I went out to find frost on the inside of the front and
    rear windows. Sure enough there is a little water by the spare.

    So my question is have any other gt owners had the same problem?

    My warranty has expired, does that matter since it has been an ongoing
    problem that I am guessing was never fixed properly?

    I bought the extended warranty, does that mean anything for something like

    What should I do?

    This car also has a sunroof.... any bearing on this?

    This pi$$es me off, I have been overall happy with the car except for it
    being a little underpowered, the window tape sucks and the leak just makes
    me think I bought a pos pony.

    Jamie, Jan 12, 2007
  2. Jamie

    irwell Guest

    I have the 2001 Elantra sedan model, The weather seal on the rear door
    compartments has detached, it seems to be just a press fit, anyway I'
    have epoxied the seal back onto the rim, hope this cures the problem.
    No water leaks, just excessive wind noise and this rubber thingy
    dropping down when the rear doors are opened.
    irwell, Jan 12, 2007
  3. Go to the Elantra GT Club website
    (http://elantragtclub.tripod.com/elantra/) and check the DIY's and if
    need be, do a search of the forums. One member there came up with a
    method for fixing the problem.
    Brian Nystrom, Jan 14, 2007
  4. Jamie

    sqdancerLynn Guest

    My guess would be a leak related to the sunroof
    sqdancerLynn, Jan 17, 2007
  5. Nope, it happens with cars that don't have sunroofs.
    Brian Nystrom, Jan 17, 2007
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