Andrew Cripps
Picked up a new 05 Elantra GT last night. Drove it straight home on
secondary roads as it was late and needed to get a late dinner going. This
morning I got it out on the parkway....After the morning rush thinned out I
finally was up at 60mph.....Needed to stop firmly <not panic or even Hard>
And the Damn brake pedal starts pulsing and I get a bit of front end
shudder, which continues till I drop below 35mph. Freaking annoying as at
this point car has 100 miles total on it.
Took it back to the dealer and told them I needed new rotors.....The
symptoms were pretty obvious. Three hours later I got the car back with new
rotors and took it on the highway to test it...So far so good.
But what is a possible reason for rotors to be bad on a brand new car? Is
there a problem within a related system that would cause this that I need to
watch for?
Through-out this I surprised myself by staying calm and not trying to rip
off some heads.
Andy C
secondary roads as it was late and needed to get a late dinner going. This
morning I got it out on the parkway....After the morning rush thinned out I
finally was up at 60mph.....Needed to stop firmly <not panic or even Hard>
And the Damn brake pedal starts pulsing and I get a bit of front end
shudder, which continues till I drop below 35mph. Freaking annoying as at
this point car has 100 miles total on it.
Took it back to the dealer and told them I needed new rotors.....The
symptoms were pretty obvious. Three hours later I got the car back with new
rotors and took it on the highway to test it...So far so good.
But what is a possible reason for rotors to be bad on a brand new car? Is
there a problem within a related system that would cause this that I need to
watch for?
Through-out this I surprised myself by staying calm and not trying to rip
off some heads.
Andy C