shaking steering wheel

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SO today i noticed that my steeerling wheel shakes when i go above 60 mph,
any ideas what coulb be causing this? I just got an allignment about 2
months ago. It shakes pretty bad, and is very visable when I take my hands
off the wheel.
illusion123a said:
SO today i noticed that my steeerling wheel shakes when i go above
60 mph, any ideas what coulb be causing this? I just got an
allignment about 2 months ago. It shakes pretty bad, and is very
visable when I take my hands off the wheel.

I would guess it is most likely a wheel balance issue.

have you had yer tired balance lately?? could have lost one of the balancing
weights off one of the front wheels...

Should i get only the front wheels balanced or all 4? Also how often should
i do this?
illusion123a said:
SO today i noticed that my steeerling wheel shakes when i go above 60 mph,
any ideas what coulb be causing this? I just got an allignment about 2
months ago. It shakes pretty bad, and is very visable when I take my hands
off the wheel.

My 2003 Accent has always had a shake in the front wheels from day
one. Above 70 MpH, your hands get numb. Dealer tried to fix once but
it didn't help. I'm just going to wait and get new tires in a few months.
I've also got a brinneled wheel bearing that howls above 40 MpH.
Not to mention the final drive whining constantly.

Sorry! Don't get me started... :)

get all 4 balanced.. they should have been done when you got new tires...
but you could have lost one of the weights..

my tires have 37k on them (they are the stock tires), is it time to get new
tires? (i do use different studded snow tires in the winter, so i would
guess that the front tires have only about 20-25 k on them)
They did just pass PA's year state inspection 2 months ago.
would it be safe to get a larger tire, maybe a 14 or a 15? would I have to
do any other adjusting to the car if i go larger?
Well i just got the call back, my wheels are balanced but he said that my
rims are bent (both front), what would cause this? I am a pretty good/
non-crazy driver. So how much can i expect to shell out for this one, i am
guiessing that its not under warrenty? i have an accent with 37k.
I did get this done at a locl tire and lube place, i will take it to a
hyundai dealership soon, and see what they think the problem is.
Bent rims are usually the result of pothole or curb damage. Hyundai wheels
are very expensive. For the price you'd pay for two, I suspect you can get
some good quality alloys.
I'm guessing your outside the warranty period on the wheel balancing, but
any reputable dealer should be happy to correct your bearing problem.
i was thinking baout getting a good set of used rims, i am ging to call
around a few places
oh yeah, bent rims will cause that too.. and no warranty wont cover it...
my car (2004 Elantra GT) was brand new with the wheels out of allignment
and they were trying to charge me to get it done.. on a brand new car non
the less...but I didnt pay.. ..;-)

I will be the first to admit that other then how to drive i know nothing
about cars! So can anyone reccommend a website that i can go to to look at
rims for an accent? I am either going to go all out and get a nice set, or
i am going to go really cheep and get a decent set of used rims from a
salvage y
I will be the first to admit that other then how to drive i know nothing
about cars! So can anyone reccommend a website that i can go to to look at
rims for an accent? I am either going to go all out and get a nice set, or
i am going to go really cheep and get a decent set of used rims from a
salvage y

And this has what to do about "Shaking steering wheels?" Hijack
threads very often, do you?

Start a new thread instead of stealing somebody else's!
NobodyMan said:
And this has what to do about "Shaking steering wheels?" Hijack
threads very often, do you?

Start a new thread instead of stealing somebody else's!

NobodyMan, you might want to read the entire thread. The reply you are
slamming was from the original poster and it had to do with a shaking
steering wheel which turned out to be caused by bent rims. So why do you
think it is a stolen thread? And even if so, doesn't everyone have the right
to join in? You certainly did. IMNSHO it's right on target.

Ron Cohen

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