Sunroof issues

  • Thread starter Thread starter mcruuzr
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Hey guys I need some help and I don't know where else to turn. I have a
2003 tiburon. I bought it 5 months ago and in that time it has been in
the shop 4 times. My sunroof leaked which I know was a problem with the
03s. I have seen many people with this complaint. The dealership fixed
the leaking, but has refused to look at my amp. I am now having a
problem with my battery. I will drive for a month or so and then out of
no where the battery dies. I mean completely dies. No dummy lights no
interior lights nothing. My car is now in the shop once again and the
service manager says that it is just a bad battery. I know for a fact
that my amp is pulling 12volts while the car is off. I need to know
what I need to do to fix this issue. I want the dealership to replace
the amp, but they haven't made notes of this problem. I am extremely
pissed right now b/c I love this car. This wouldn't be a problem if the
service guys would just check it out. I am willing to pay for it. The
whole thing is bullshit. I always feel like b/c I am a woman they think
I don't know what I am talking about. I am not stupid. I work for a
dealership and know that there are ways to get them in trouble but that
doesn't help the fact that my car is not working that way it should. If
anyone has any ideas let me know. If you know of any web sites that I
can print out other reviews on this issue please let me know. I am
hoping that if I can put other complaints in front of this guy that
maybe I can get somewhere.

Hey guys I need some help and I don't know where else to turn. I have a
2003 tiburon. I bought it 5 months ago and in that time it has been in
the shop 4 times. My sunroof leaked which I know was a problem with the
03s. I have seen many people with this complaint. The dealership fixed
the leaking, but has refused to look at my amp. I am now having a
problem with my battery. I will drive for a month or so and then out of
no where the battery dies. I mean completely dies. No dummy lights no
interior lights nothing. My car is now in the shop once again and the
service manager says that it is just a bad battery. I know for a fact
that my amp is pulling 12volts while the car is off. I need to know
what I need to do to fix this issue.

The subject line is sunroof issues. The sunroof has been repaired, and now
seems to have no issues.

You do, however, seem to have some electrical problem. You may get a better
response if you titles the ost "electrical issures" or similar.

When does the battery "die" exactly? When it is running? When yo go to
start it up? After it has been sitting for an hour, day, week month?

What "amp" are you talking about? Every electrical component in the car
draws 12 volts when in use since it is a 12 volt system. Once the batter
"dies", how do you get going again?
Every electrical component that is powered up uses 12V. What you need to
know is the amperage draw.

With you car off, there should be no more than a 50mA draw. If it's
significantly in excess of that, a process of elimination procedure needs
to be begun to determine exactly where the draw is originating.

It's certainly possible that the amp could have been damaged by a leaking
sunroof. The amp is behind the left rear seat side trim panel. I find it
believable that water could have entered the amp due to a leaking sunroof.

Heck, I think the leading repair for Oldsmobile Aleros with inoperative
door locks was to replace the sunroof glass (along with the affected fuse
box). The glass leaked water and it ran into the fuse box.