Sonata top speed?

Discussion in 'Hyundai Sonata' started by Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 10, 2006.

  1. Edwin Pawlowski

    Eric G. Guest

    No arguement here, however the manufacturer claims 137 MPH, and Car and
    Driver had the same results. Under controlled conditions, I suspect 137
    MPH to be a reliabe average.

    Eric G., Nov 11, 2006
  2. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    Not s Sonata top speed but high speed on the Elantra. Earlier I
    posted a report on my '05 Elantra after one year of owner ship. This
    is an excerpt from that post regarding the Elantra speed

    "On the high speed section I drove the first 100 miles at 70 MPH and
    for the next 300 miles I never went less than 90 MPH and at times
    over 115 MPH. After the first 100 miles a guy with a ton of antenna
    and all kinds of stuff on his dash board blew past me. I hooked up
    with him for the next 300 miles I would let him get about a quarter
    mile or more in front of me. The only time I slowed down was for
    traffic. At times cars got between him and I and I would have to go
    like a bat out of hell to catch him. That's when I was going over
    115+ MPH. I finally had to stop for gas as the fuel warning light was
    on. The car rode rock solid, no float, no lift, no sway. The car rode
    smooth. Surprisingly the tach never went to high. I don't remember
    what the tach numbers were but I remember being surprised at how
    relatively low they were for that high of a speed."

    I was in Arkansas heading north out of Little Rock. I don't know how
    much faster I could have gone, but there was more speed available. The
    115 mph was not just a short blast for a couple of seconds. I
    averaged 102 mph over the last 300 miles.
    Robert, Nov 11, 2006
  3. Impressive!

    I don't see that happening here in California with our flat desert of
    miles upon miles. It could happen for awhile but not for 3 hours. The
    CHips are always around. Arkansas Patrol must have been on a coffee
    Jose Juan Miqueleno, Nov 11, 2006
  4. Edwin Pawlowski

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Does publicly admitting that you are an idiot make you feel better?

    Matt Whiting, Nov 12, 2006
  5. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    So tell me Matt, why is it that you feel compeled to insult people.
    Do my comments bother you? Since when did you become the moral and
    legal guide of this board. People exceeded the speed limit. Thats a
    fact. Was it wrong of me to go so fast? Of course it was. But then
    agin that is of no concern of yours. The answer to your question of
    "does it make me feel better?" is that I was comenting on the speed of
    the car. Does it make you feel better to insult me by calling me
    Robert, Nov 12, 2006
  6. Edwin Pawlowski

    Eric G. Guest

    I think it makes him feel superior. But honestly, driving at an average of
    102 MPH for that long does seem a bit excessive to me too. I'm certainly
    not a saint, as I've already posted, but I would not push the limits of the
    car that far for that long. Your car, your choice.

    Eric G., Nov 12, 2006
  7. Edwin Pawlowski

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I believe in calling a spade a spade. I've also known too many people
    killed or maimed by people driving like you described or driving drunk.
    I have no tolerance for that and if you post such stupid stuff here,
    I'll respond by calling it what it is.

    How good would you feel if that speed had caused you to blow a tire and
    spin out killing a mother and two kids? People like you think the world
    revolves around them and have no regard for anyone else. Sorry, but
    that is stupid and I'll forever call it stupid.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 12, 2006
  8. Edwin Pawlowski

    Rob Guest

    We all know that if his tire blew at 70 and he hit a woman and her two
    kids than they would have all lived. Quit with the "I'm better than you"
    attitude, you have broken the speed limit before and have no right to judge.
    I suspect you have driven over 100mph sometime during your life, maybe the
    o/p is in the same time of his life that you were in when you were doing
    "stupid" things.Go back to complaining about your Sonata, your good at it.

    Rob, Nov 12, 2006
  9. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    You obviously believe in name calling. Your are arrogant to think
    that it is your place to comment where no comment is necessary.

    I've also known too many people
    killed or maimed by people driving like you described

    I don't believe you. Why do you make things like that up? Trying to
    prove your point with some pompous statement like that.

    or driving drunk.

    Drunk I don't recall saying anything about drinking.
    You are a very amusing person. I find your pompous attitude
    refreshing. Your childish attitude is refreshing in its ignorance.
    Of course you will. Its your duty to say these things. Thank you.
    I love these moral tirades of yours. Are you looking for support.
    Answer to your question is that I would feel terrible if those things
    happened. I would feel equally as bad if those things happened when I
    was going the speed limit. That is a silly question to ask Matt.
    Would anyone say they would feel good. Of course those things did not
    happen so what's the point. There wasn't any traffic so to speak.
    Every 10 to 20 miles the guy in front of me that I was following would
    come up upon a group of cars and we would slow down to get around
    them. Since he was a good quarter mile in front of me I would get
    caught behind the cars, and yes I went around 115 to get back on pace
    with him.

    People like you think the world
    I was unaware that you had such insight to know what I do and don;t
    have regard for.

    Sorry, but
    No Matt that's not stupid. W hat I did was not a good thing, but not
    stupid. At three AM in the morning with not another living thing in
    sight in the middle of know wear its not only acceptable, its common.
    Matt on this stretch of road there are no signs of civilization. No
    lights on the horizon, none to the right, none to the left, and none

    Matt you just don't know when to shut up. I am waiting for your next
    silly reply to me. You just have to keep responding to this thread.
    You can't let it go can you. I look forward to your continued
    preaching. Best regards to you Matt.
    Robert, Nov 12, 2006
  10. Edwin Pawlowski

    Rob Guest

    It will do at least 140, I was going that fast during rush hour. It may
    have been 135, I was drunk and eating while on the cell phone so I can't
    recall exactly. The tires are not rated for that high a speed though. I had
    a blow out and hit a woman and two kids. Good thing it was the tires fault
    or I might have "felt bad." I'll keep you posted on the lawsuit against
    Goodyear and Nextel. (They should know talking on their network is dangerous
    while you drive.)
    Rob, Nov 12, 2006
  11. Edwin Pawlowski

    Matt Whiting Guest

    That would be you're, not your. :)

    I've never done anything nearly as stupid as what he described. If you
    don't like what I post, you are welcome to ignore it.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 12, 2006
  12. Edwin Pawlowski

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Look like I'm not alone in keeping the thread going.

    Matt Whiting, Nov 12, 2006
  13. Edwin Pawlowski

    Rob Guest

    Im shore their is allot more spelling and gramathical missteaks then just
    "your". Learn better english.
    Rob, Nov 12, 2006
  14. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    Thank you Matt, you just affirmed my previous statement
    Robert, Nov 12, 2006
  15. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    Very good Rob. This thread is very clever. You cracked me up with
    this one. The last one was good too. Regards, Robert
    Robert, Nov 12, 2006
  16. You are a jerk. I was in the left lane doing 40 mph so I could read the
    newspaper and you scared the crap out of me.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Nov 12, 2006
  17. Edwin Pawlowski

    Matt Whiting Guest

    At least it is easy to keep you happy.
    Matt Whiting, Nov 12, 2006
  18. Edwin Pawlowski

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Those things can't happen at 70mph? What speed do most accidents happen at?
    What speed do most fatalities happen at?
    Mike Marlow, Nov 12, 2006
  19. Edwin Pawlowski

    Mike Marlow Guest

    So that was *you* that was right up on my bumper in the left lane! Next
    time take your paper and move it on over to the center lane and just pass
    me. I go plenty fast enough to get where I want to go and if you have a
    problem with that get off my bumper and just pass me.
    Mike Marlow, Nov 12, 2006
  20. Edwin Pawlowski

    Robert Guest

    Mike, you, Edwin, and Rob should get jobs as sitcom writers. You
    guy are funny as hell. Keep them coming, we all could use the laugh
    Regards, Robert
    Robert, Nov 12, 2006
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