Gas Prices

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    So you got tapped in the rear in Ithica? Man, that sucks. Reminds me of
    a trip to San Fransisco many, many years ago. I was sitting at a bar for
    a few hours. When I got up to leave, some guy asked if he could push my
    stool in for me :)

    On a more serious note, I got hit just below my gas tank on "Black
    Friday" this past November. This guy in a PU truck let me merge in front
    of him in a construction zone with the right lane closed. Then I guess
    he put down his cell phone and got pissed off that he let me in (mind
    you, I signalled and merged respectfully....he even waived me on), went
    over the double-yellow line to "get even" with me, and with traffic
    starting to come in the other direction, he hit my car with his bumper
    while trying to pull back into my lane behind me.

    Unfortunately, it took about an hour for the police to arrive, and by
    then he had fabricated a nice story about how I pushed my way in front of
    him and that I actually clipped HIS bumper.

    Anyway, the cop bought his story over mine.

    Sucks big time.

    Eric G., Apr 27, 2006
  2. Tom

    Bob Adkins Guest


    Here's the one I was talking about:

    "I speak truth, not so much as I would, but as much
    as I dare; and I dare a little more as I grow older."
    Bob Adkins, Apr 27, 2006
  3. Tom

    tjnamtiw Guest

    Ha. Ha. That's perfect for an old fart like me!!! It's the truth. I think
    that's why they were glad to see me retire. I told the CEO of the company
    to never ask me a question unless he REALLY expected to hear the truth and
    not what he necessarily wanted to hear.
    tjnamtiw, Apr 27, 2006
  4. Tom

    Bob Adkins Guest

    Ya, if you get the boss mad, what's he going to do, make us get old and
    retire? :)
    Bob Adkins, Apr 27, 2006
  5. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, that is unfortunate. In my case, the other driver was so drunk
    that when the police arrived it was pretty clear who had done what to whom.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 27, 2006
  6. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Well, if they took people my age, I might consider it. However, since I
    have 23 years with my current (and only employer), it makes little sense
    to start another career at this time until I get to 55/30 to lock in my
    full pension.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 27, 2006
  7. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, just another thing he is wrong about. His assessment skills seem
    to match his physics skills.

    I agree that being back in high school wouldn't be all bad. However,
    since my 30 year class reunion isn't far away, I'll be able to compare
    notes with my class mates. :)

    Matt Whiting, Apr 27, 2006
  8. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    Yes, you were "lucky" I guess. The thing that bothers me the most is
    that at least 5 (probably more like 10) other people witnessed my
    accident and not one bothered to stop and act like a witness. It
    doesn't surprise me, just bothers me.

    Eric G., Apr 27, 2006
  9. Tom

    tjnamtiw Guest

    I'm admittedly shocked that you've been out of school for 30 years and still
    haven't learned how to treat and interface with people properly. I wonder
    how many job changes you've had in those 30 years because of your attitude.
    tjnamtiw, Apr 28, 2006
  10. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I've had zero job changes. I'm with the same employer I started with
    out of college.

    What is wrong with stating the obvious? When someone posts incorrect
    information, what is wrong with pointing that out? Where I work, it is
    important that we get things right, and spirited discussion towards that
    end isn't considered to "be not treating people right." Designing a
    piece of equipment incorrectly and causing harm to someone or causing
    economic loss is considered to be bad, not challenging someone's
    assumptions, data or conclusions.

    I'm sorry you are so thin-skinned, but that is your problem, not mine.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 28, 2006
  11. Tom

    tjnamtiw Guest

    When you tell a total stranger that you know more than they do, it points
    out a serious personality flaw that usually goes away after adolescence.
    That's why I thought you were younger. My mistake......
    Good luck....
    tjnamtiw, Apr 28, 2006
  12. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    I REALLY wanted to stay out of this side of the discussion. Just let me
    add that there is no way to tell a personality from an email/post. You
    could read someone for years and meet them in person and they are totally

    Eric G., Apr 29, 2006
  13. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    I only responded to blatantly incorrect information that was published.
    If you consider that a personality flaw, then please don't ever work
    in any business where your errors might cause loss of life or serious
    economic loss. I do such work, and avoiding errors is much more
    important than avoiding offending someone's sensibilities.

    Matt Whiting, Apr 29, 2006
  14. Tom

    JPH Guest

    Just get everyone to quit buying gas guzzlers and just buy the best fuel
    misers available. Once the manufacturers realize that only efficiency
    sells, then they'll compete to corner the market. Unfortunately, that
    won't happen until filling the gas tank hurts the wallet a lot more than
    it does now.

    JPH, May 9, 2006
  15. Tom

    Mike Marlow Guest

    Simple? And how does one propose to "just get everyone to quite buying gas
    guzzlers"? What is a gas guzzler? What is efficiency? Should everyone
    drive around in an under powered 4 cylinder that uncomfortably seats two
    people, but has seating for four crammed into it? Forget about cargo
    capacity? Forget about power? Simple seeming answers seldom are.
    Mike Marlow, May 9, 2006
  16. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    A gas guzzler is a vehicle that is a substitute for male confidence
    and/or a small penis. Typically, a white caucasian male will purchase
    an SUV getting 15 MPG or less to substitute for his cuckold lifestyle.
    WTF not? The American way of life that has been touted since WWII is
    over. Live with that fact. We cannot continue to sleep with the enemy
    (read: Iran, Saudi Arabia, et al). That is over. Besides, peak oil
    will guarantee few new roads be built and new gas guzzlers from coming
    online. The signs are there already: no one wants to touch a new SUV
    (GM sales down tremendously and Toyota is gobbling up market share).
    The military can only do so much to secure the remaining oil in the
    That's right...forget about cargo. If you don't own a business that
    needs to haul this shit, why do you need an SUV? A fuel-efficient
    pickup will do just fine.
    Power? Another penis substitute for a cuckold's lifestyle?

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 9, 2006
  17. Tom

    Mike Marlow Guest

    That's funny.
    The SUV craze may well be over (no great loss), but not everyone is in the
    position that they can't afford to drive a nicer vehicle that gets mid
    twenties around town, and still has some power and ride. So... in careful
    review - you never did answer the question.
    Fixated with SUV's aren't you? Lots of people who don't own their own
    business have a real need for those vehicles that are less fuel efficient.
    The world really is a bigger place than your life. If your needs are met
    by a small car with a four cylinder, then that's great, but it's certainly
    not true for all. Nor is it true for all that one of those "fuel efficient"
    pickups will do the job.
    Have you ever plowed snow? Hauled loads? Pulled trailers? Didn't think
    That's funny too.
    Mike Marlow, May 9, 2006
  18. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    The truth is funny sometimes. That's why satirical cartoons such as
    Family Guy and Simpsons have been such a bit hit.
    Sell SUV, buy Corolla.

    Europe gets by on mostly 4 cylinders. SUV penetration should in
    reality be something like 10-15% as opposed to the 30-50% nowadays.
    Only people who actually go offroading or haul shit need it. AWD
    Wagons do almost everything an SUV does, and has superior handling.
    That's all there for. The rest are cuckold small penis showboaters.

    Yours In Christ,
    John the militant vegetarian
    johnsmith060, May 9, 2006
  19. Tom

    Mike Marlow Guest

    I'd be happy to see 1/2 of the SUV's off the road. Too many of them are
    driven by soccer mom's who shouldn't be in anything bigger than a mini-van.
    But - I don't see SUV's as the big gas guzzlers. Typical Chevy Blazer gets
    around 16-18 around town which for a truck isn't that bad. Not great
    mileage, but not what I'd consider a real guzzler. My Silverado should do
    so well. But then again, my Silverado isn't a daily driver and it serves a
    utilitarian purpose.

    This is a common observation (Euoprean cars), but it has been pointed out
    many times that this is not Europe. Our travel distances are much greater,
    our climate demands much different, and unfortunately, our mass transit
    infrastructure is far different. That owes largely to our geography, but it
    is a very real difference. I agree with you that the SUV is too prevelant
    but I'm not sure what the utilitarian percentage would really be.
    Mike Marlow, May 9, 2006
  20. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Just like the above claim is made by those with small brains.

    Matt Whiting, May 9, 2006
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