Gas Prices

Discussion in 'General Motoring' started by Tom, Apr 24, 2006.

  1. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    Dude, this is usenet. Do you think I give a shit about your thoughts?
    You should know that no one tells the truth on these newsgroups.

    So, **** you! :)

    Yours In Christ,
    John the militant vegetarian
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  2. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    teacher by day, GOP housewife fucker by night/weekends. I'm getting
    plenty, although I never feel as though I get enough.
    Interesting that you interpret the "militant" term with killing.

    showing a fighting disposition
    disposed to hard-line policies

    I'm a hardline conservative, and physically hurt cuckold neo-communist
    RINO Bush-bots right in their fragile egos by sleeping with their wives
    and impregnating them without their knowledge. **** you!!!!!! :)))))))

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  3. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in
    So tapping little boys during the day isn't enough for you? I can
    understand that screwing your own wife would feel like you weren't
    getting enough on the nights/weekends.
    Militant hints at having ones own malitia. A malitia is usually armed
    and willing to use those arms to defend their position, whether through
    attack or defense.
    Gee, isn't Bush a "hardline conservative" too?
    No thanks. I don't do charity work.

    Eric G., May 11, 2006
  4. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    Cough...homeland security republican talking dirty to 14 y/os on IM.
    I just told you the definition of militant. It has NOTHING to do with
    malitia/militia. So the rest of your assertion makes no sense.
    Militant means having a hard-line stance. I apply it only to mean
    that. You are putting words in my mouth, you unChristian Godless
    Bush is a cuckold neo-COMMUNIST RINO. Other than being anti-abortion
    (the only stupid thing to be conservative about), He is anything but
    Don't be a QUEER!

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 11, 2006
  5. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    There is a population, and there is a sample, there is no sample population.

    Matt Whiting, May 11, 2006
  6. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    This doesn't even rate a 1 on the troll-o-meter scale. And your sample
    size of zero isn't statistically significant.

    Matt Whiting, May 11, 2006
  7. Tom

    Tunez Guest

    After 106 Responces to the original question what the hell has this intense
    NONSENSE and use of DEAD BRAIN CELLS got to do with gas prices !!!!!! Havnt
    you guys ever been warned about getting to close to that pipe that runs out
    the back of your car ?? GROW UP
    Tunez, May 12, 2006
  8. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Don't like it. Don't read it.

    Matt Whiting, May 12, 2006
  9. Tom

    Eric G. Guest

    wrote in
    I think Christ would have a serious problem with you. In fact, I am pretty
    sure of it.

    As for the militant discussion, your words are violent. One can only infer
    that your actions would be similar. You can define militant however you
    want. I was applying the definition to you and your Internet personality.

    My friends consider me a conservative also, but I also try to keep an open
    mind when it comes to my fellow Americans.

    Eric G., May 12, 2006
  10. Tom

    johnsmith060 Guest

    I am a Christian, and the fact that you believe that He would have a
    problem with my attitude shows just how unChristian you are.
    The definition is from an english ontology program obtainable from
    Princeton University's website. You can read it if you wish instead of
    making geeky inferences.
    I am trying to save America. If you opened your ears and listened to
    real Americans like Dr. Savage, I'm sure you'll understand the militant
    part. Outrage spawns revolution, and there are more of us everyday.

    Revolution will stop the mexican invasion force. Revolution will stop
    the IRS and initiate the fair tax. Revolution will instigate a third
    party. The time is ripe for a new person to step forward, free of the
    shit that stains both Ds and Rs. This person will at minimum throw off
    the election for one of the two parties. Perhaps the Rs this time,
    like Perot did?

    Yours In Christ,
    johnsmith060, May 12, 2006
  11. Tom

    Tunez Guest

    Well Matt my friend Indicate what kinda BULLSHIT your gonna post and then
    MOST OF US can avoid it and wont have to read it...... It's amusing at most
    and very surprising that your mommy lets you talk like that..I would expect
    more from a person who sometimes has very good responces to most questions
    and I am very surprised that you let yourself stup this low as too argue
    with a moron like Mr. Smith whom is nothing but a troll and needs his mouth
    washed out with a good portion of lye soap. As far as I can see this has
    nothing to do with the newsgroup and your just adding fuel to Mr. Bad Mouths
    Tunez, May 12, 2006
  12. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Your writings here certainly suggest otherwise.

    Matt Whiting, May 12, 2006
  13. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Well, I agree with most of what you write above, however, I greatly
    resent you trying to tell me or anyone else here which posts we may or
    may not reply to. It is a free country (well mostly anyway) and if you
    don't like that, then that is simply too bad. I'll reply to whom I
    wish, when I wish.

    Matt Whiting, May 12, 2006
  14. Tom

    Tunez Guest

    Hey thats your perogrative to converse with whomever you want and you can
    resent anything you want but I was NOT telling anybody what they can read or
    who they can write to... I just thought you had an IQ that would prevent you
    from agueing with a guy with a mouth like Mr. Smiths who also seems to have
    the intelligence of an ice cube. There was no reason for Mr. Smith to use
    the language that he is/was using and for you to keep egging him on so he
    has to use that language in more than one responce. I was under the
    impression that this was an adult type newsgroup about the Hyundai
    Automobiles where others could ask questions and get answers that may or may
    not help thier situation. If we wanted to hear rotten language and such
    there are plenty of porn sites and other sites that speacialize in that type
    of thing. If this is going to turn into that type of newsgroup lets rename
    it as so, so nice people and the younger crowd can go elsewhere for thier

    Tunez, May 13, 2006
  15. Tom

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Now you got it.

    Matt Whiting, May 13, 2006
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