Wow! How about that new Genesis!

Discussion in 'Hyundai Genesis' started by bought2bought, Feb 4, 2008.

  1. Lost me too.

    No, I did not and will not see Gore's film. Considering his lifestyle and
    how he wants the rest of us to live, he is just a blowhard politician
    hypocrite. He has zero respect and credibility with me. When he moves into
    a 2 bedroom ranch home, give me a call and we'll talk.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 7, 2008
  2. bought2bought

    Hank Guest

    Hey Steve whats up ? Hey just checked out yours craigslist advertizement
    just got one question, what the hell are desert-watercraft toys ??? you
    forget I live in the desert too and the only water we have comes ouuta the
    bubblers for the plants................ not hardly anywheres big enough for

    Hank, Feb 7, 2008
  3. bought2bought

    631grant Guest

    Hi Edwin,

    See, people here accused me of wanting them to 'lower' themselves to my
    ideals and lifestyle and blasted me royally for it. Now you say that you
    don't want anything to do with Gore until he lowers himself to our
    lifestyle............. I said 'our lifestyle' because I suspect I am in the
    same lifestyle as you and everyone else here. I don't love the man either
    but I watched the movie and he sure makes some good points backed up with
    scientific data that is very hard to dispute. You owe it to yourself to at
    least watch it. It's almost like the Harry Potter fiasco when it was first
    introduced. All the religious people were up in arms about its story line
    and forbid their children to see the movies but they had never seen them to
    pass judgment on them.
    631grant, Feb 7, 2008
  4. bought2bought

    Rob Guest

    Would you like some links to data that disputes it? There are thousands of
    scientists who dispute man made global warming. Did you know in previous
    "global warmings" that co2 levels did not increase, yet Al tells you that
    co2 output is the main problem. You owe it to yourself to become a little

    Hell, I got hundreds. Gore is a political hack who wants YOU to believe his
    crap so you'll buy "Carbon Credits" (LOL) from HIS company.

    You owe it to yourself to at
    Rob, Feb 8, 2008
  5. I'm not asking anyone to "lower" themself. Material goods, be it a huge
    house, big cars, or fancy computer does not have anything to do with the
    character of an individual. I think I'm moraly superior to someone that
    preaches one thing but actually acts in a different manner.

    I don't love the man either
    Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 8, 2008
  6. I hit the send button before I was finished.

    I'm not asking anyone to "lower" themselves. Material goods, be it a huge
    house, big cars, or fancy computer does not have anything to do with the
    character of an individual. I think I'm morally superior to someone that
    preaches one thing but actually acts in a different manner.

    Gore wants us to reduce our carbon footprint, yet he maintains a house that
    is far beyond what sensible people need to live in, uses a privet jet to get
    around an justifies it because he makes donation for carbon credits. Sort
    of like buying yourself into heaven.
    By spending my money to see what he as done enriches him and gives him
    personal credibility. I'm not going to do that, be him right or wrong.
    Edwin Pawlowski, Feb 8, 2008
  7. bought2bought

    Steve R. Guest

    Steve R., Feb 8, 2008
  8. bought2bought

    631grant Guest

    Thank you so much for attaching all the links for me to become more
    educated. Clearly you used Google to its best advantage. If YOU want to
    become more educated about BOTH sides of the argument, then, by all means,
    watch Gore's movie. Surely seeing BOTH sides of an argument is much better
    than taking someone else's opinion of what was presented.
    Oh, in the second link you sent, it describes 'one' scientist's
    controversial opinion while also saying 'Earth is currently experiencing
    rapid warming, which the vast majority of climate scientists says is due to
    humans pumping huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere." Make
    sure you see the 'vast majority' versus the 'one'. How could you offer that
    up as an argument??????
    631grant, Feb 8, 2008
  9. bought2bought

    Bob Adkins Guest


    If you would get out more, you would notice that people get what they
    deserve. If they work hard and can afford nice cars, they deserve
    them. If they sit around and fiddle, they deserve less. That's the way
    it has always been, and the way it always will be. You don't think the
    hard working people should lower their living standards so lazy asses
    can have more, do you?

    Wastefulness will indeed hasten the depletion of natural resources.
    However, people aren't equipped to deal with that in times of plenty.
    When fuel goes up to $15 a gallon, even some of the wealthier people
    will be forced to cut back. The $15 fuel is closer than we think, so
    all the waste is not doing as much harm as you think.

    Bob Adkins, Feb 9, 2008
  10. bought2bought

    Rob Guest

    I can post hundreds more if you like but I think it would be a waste of
    our time. I'm done, I know better than to try to argue with a liberal but I
    just can' Liberal arguments are based on emotion, not
    facts. Saving the world, trees, animals, air, water, etc. can really get
    some people worked up, even if it's not based on fact. One last link,
    hopefully you'll enjoy this one. It's Penn and Teller video.
    Rob, Feb 9, 2008
  11. bought2bought

    631grant Guest

    One last one for me Rob. News flash. I'm not in any way shape or form a
    liberal! I am a staunch conservative. I want to conserve out natural
    resources for my grand kids. I want every alien out of this country. I
    want every welfare recipient to work for his/her money. I don't want anyone
    to be given a free ride on my 'buck'. Thanks for the link.

    631grant, Feb 9, 2008
  12. bought2bought

    tjnamtiw Guest

    I reply to you, Matt, because I've read many of your comments over time and
    you seem to be knowledgeable; therefore, I still have some hope that you can
    'see the light'. :eek:) It's always healthy to debate both sides of a
    tjnamtiw, Feb 9, 2008
  13. If you would get out more, you would notice that people get what they
    Bob, it's got nothing to do with not getting out enough. I'm a bit
    insulted by your presumptuous attitude that I'm poor or something or
    that I insist people lower themselves or their standards. It's beyond
    a gross misinterpretation of the original argument of this post /
    thread. I don't give a rat's posterior what anyone drives.

    As I've said from the beginning, a law that's been abused by car
    makers needs to be updated to address today's problems. Bush signed
    legislation, albeit too little too late, to address this by 2020. I'm
    just curious as to what loopholes exist in it, if any. There are
    people who work hard (you know, three jobs, kids, mortgage, bills,
    etc.) and STILL don't get ahead and it's got nothing to do with
    idleness or lethargy or not working harder. Everyone's situation is
    different. People who work smarter, not harder, get ahead in life.
    That, Bob, is how it IS.

    $15 a gallon to the uber wealthy isn't going to be a big deal but one
    could only HOPE there will be an alternative to $15 gas by the time
    that happens. You don't think Paris Hilton, in her 10 city, 17 highway
    Bently, care is gas if $50 a gallon, do you?

    I don't know that I agree with you that we're almost there. China and
    India's economies haven't quite peaked yet. Gas prices THAT high, I
    would imagine, would crash an economy. When a resources appears to be
    plentiful, it's not an apparent problem. You HAVE to factor in double
    or triple digit growth in other countries. They're going to want a
    bigger and bigger part of that world oil every year as their economy
    booms. People will only notice it when it's either almost gone or can
    only be had by the highest bidder. The bigger picture is that it's not
    just about fixing a broken law or making 35MPG the standard for a
    fleet by 2020, it's also the repercussions of sending industry to
    countries that are now booming exponentially as a byproduct. Exactly
    how much harder CAN a person work if another country is reaping all
    the benefits?

    - Thee Chicago Wolf
    Thee Chicago Wolf, Feb 9, 2008
  14. bought2bought

    Bob Adkins Guest

    I was right with you until the boxers...

    Bob Adkins, Feb 10, 2008
  15. bought2bought

    Matt Whiting Guest

    If only there were a light to see? :)

    Yes, I enjoy a good debate and believe that debates can be both
    educational and entertaining.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 10, 2008
  16. bought2bought

    Eric G. Guest

    This debate definitely entertained the heck outta me :)

    For the record, I believe the earth is warming. I don't believe anyone has
    really figured out why yet. I also believe it is a cyclical event that
    there ain't a thing we can do about. I am also a registered Republican but
    I do vote for an occasional "D". I can't find anyone I can really align
    with this time around though :-(

    Eric G., Feb 10, 2008
  17. bought2bought

    Matt Whiting Guest

    Yes, I'm in much the same boat. I'm not a fan of any of the front
    runners or any of the "independents in waiting" such as Bloomberg. I
    may write in someone's name just so I can say I voted and did my civic
    duty, but did so without compromising my beliefs.

    Matt Whiting, Feb 11, 2008
  18. bought2bought

    Eric G. Guest

    At this point in time I'd have to agree with a write in being the best
    choice for me as well. Bloomberg scares the heck out of me. His idea
    of gun control is to allow only the criminals and police to have guns.
    His fiscal policies seem pretty sound though, and I know many around
    here in NJ would vote for him if he throws his hat in to the ring.

    Doesn't Reagan have any relatives that want to run??? :)


    'Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.' - Ronald Reagan

    'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the
    government and I'm here to help.' - Ronald Reagan

    'The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's
    just that they know so much that isn't so.' - Ronald Reagan

    'Of the four wars in my lifetime, none came about because the U.S. was
    too strong.'
    - Ronald Reagan

    'I have wondered at times about what the Ten Commandments would have
    looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.' - Ronald

    'The taxpayer: That's someone who works for the federal government but
    doesn't have to take the civil service examination.'
    - Ronald Reagan

    'Government is like a baby: An alimentary canal with a big appetite at
    one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.'
    - Ronald Reagan
    'The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a
    government program.' - Ronald Reagan

    'It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have
    learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.' - Ronald

    'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short
    phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it
    stops moving, subsidize it.' - Ronald Reagan

    'Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed, there are many
    rewards; if you disgrace yourself, you can always write a book.' -
    Ronald Reagan

    'No arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is as formidable
    as the will and moral courage of free men and women.' - Ronald Reagan

    'If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a
    nation gone under.'
    - Ronald Reagan
    Eric G., Feb 11, 2008
  19. bought2bought

    southluke Guest

    I realize this is not a political forum but it ha
    drifted that way and I have to comment. Ronald Reagan was a grea
    politician even if he was senile and his little sound bites wer
    cute. But he was a terrible president for the long term good of th
    country. He added four trillion dollars to the national debt fo
    our chuildren to pay back. And it was not necessary because th
    Russians would have gone broke soon without his escalation of th
    cold war.

    It just goes to show how shortsighted the American people are and the
    are not very good at cause and effect

    I've been watching Presidents since 1952 and was in the militar
    during the Vietnam war and Bush is the worst president yet wit
    Johnson second worst

    Matt: Be sure to check for spelling and gramatical errors since i
    will prove that I am not really an engineer. Do not look at content
    southluke, Feb 11, 2008
  20. bought2bought

    Rob Guest

    I would say that honor goes to Carter.

    He added four trillion dollars to the national debt for
    Rob, Feb 11, 2008
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